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Author:: Andy Goodman

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BUILT applies knowledge and develops skills by design, and through experience.

Fun and games: Play to grow

Change the existing situation, by design.

The process that you will follow is based on well established theories that are supported by a solid evidence based. The theoretical foundation upon which we will build have been developed and tested through Enterprise by Design in Bangor over 15 year, and lead to a national, enterprise catalyst of the year award, 2021.

When using the term design, we adopt the broader sense of the word, defined by Herbert Simon:

"To design is to devise courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones." - Herbert Simon (Nobel Laureate)

While proposing a cool, functional product is well within the scope, you do not need to be a designer; you don't need to be able to draw, use CAD. You don't need to be a designer, in the usual sense to apply Design Thinking.

Develop a habit of continuous improvement

BUILT is based theory and apply frameworks in practice. You will a) develop proposal that make a difference, while b) develop skills that are invaluable in the workplace.

Grounded in theory and evidenced, with a broad spectrum of application.

Quality Management Systems: Toyota developed lean management processes, which have been embedded into standard Quality Management Systems in a variety of industries across the world.

Behavioural Psychology: Skinner developed theories that have informed reinforcement strategies and the design of token economies, for organisational and self-management.

Education Science: Kolb developed a model for experiential learning, building on the work of Dewey, Lewin and Piaget. This is developed further by Schon, who wrote the

Software Development: Agile development practices xxx introduced sprints, retrospectives and reviews, centred on user engagement, and planning strategies that focus on delivering value for users in short adaptive cycles.

Product and Service Design: Tim Brown, popularise Design Thinking, which has been adopted by business. The double-diamond by the design council, provide additional structure.

All of these follow the same basic pattern: the Deming Cycle for continuous improvement.

The Deming Cycle for Continuous Improvement

The underlying pattern for each is identical; a simple, iterative feedback cycle, by Deming. Plan, Do, Study, Act.

While the Deming Cycle is simple to state, in practice it is not alway clear how to applying it effectively, and when applying to complex systems, studying behaviours can be wickedly difficult. We will talk more about 'Wicked Problems' later, and knowing where and how to act is harder again.

Knowledge and habits for life

Everything you enter into Roam Research can be exported and used in an equivalent, free tool (Logseq). It exports to Markdown, which is a standard format. Used correctly, it will help you think, help you learn and help you share your thinking with others.

Habits 7 habits, and the habit that binds them; the one to rule them all.

The best-selling book The 7 Habits of Highly successful People, identified habitual behaviours that lead to success.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” - Durant

While some behaviours are always expected and valued, a) habits are hard to form and b) as the professional practice changes, new habits are needed for continued success.

Skills needed are changing continuous, and at an ever faster rate. To keep updating your skills, there is one habit that rules them all; you need to develop a habit.

Get your hands dirty.

We encourage you to get your hands dirty; and we mean that literally and metaphorically.

Literally: to really understand and empathise with customers end users, you need to develop an empathy for the challenges that they face, by experiencing and jobs that they do.

Metaphorically: to develop and reinforce skills in a fun way, part of the challenge will be approached as a game.

Playing and Growing provides a brief introduction to some game rules and established a narrative that will help you understand the complex task of starting a business, by design.

Start here < this is an untested onboarding step

Blocks (bullet points) in Roam can be edited by only the person who created them.

Only create pages within your NameSpace i.e. Bob Jones/My reflections


Welcome to BUILT!

BUILT applies knowledge and develops skills by design, and through experience.


Fun and games: Play to grow

Change the existing situation, by design.

The process that you will follow is based on well established theories that are supported by a solid evidence based. The theoretical foundation upon which we will build have been developed and tested through Enterprise by Design in Bangor over 15 year, and lead to a national, enterprise catalyst of the year award, 2021.

When using the term design, we adopt the broader sense of the word, defined by Herbert Simon:

"To design is to devise courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones." - Herbert Simon (Nobel Laureate)

While proposing a cool, functional product is well within the scope, you do not need to be a designer; you don't need to be able to draw, use CAD. You don't need to be a designer, in the usual sense to apply Design Thinking.

Develop a habit of continuous improvement

BUILT is based theory and apply frameworks in practice. You will a) develop proposal that make a difference, while b) develop skills that are invaluable in the workplace.

Grounded in theory and evidenced, with a broad spectrum of application.

Quality Management Systems: Toyota developed lean management processes, which have been embedded into standard Quality Management Systems in a variety of industries across the world.

Behavioural Psychology: Skinner developed theories that have informed reinforcement strategies and the design of token economies, for organisational and self-management.

Education Science: Kolb developed a model for experiential learning, building on the work of Dewey, Lewin and Piaget. This is developed further by Schon, who wrote the

Software Development: Agile development practices xxx introduced sprints, retrospectives and reviews, centred on user engagement, and planning strategies that focus on delivering value for users in short adaptive cycles.

Product and Service Design: Tim Brown, popularise Design Thinking, which has been adopted by business. The double-diamond by the design council, provide additional structure.

All of these follow the same basic pattern: the Deming Cycle for continuous improvement.

The Deming Cycle for Continuous Improvement

The underlying pattern for each is identical; a simple, iterative feedback cycle, by Deming. Plan, Do, Study, Act.

While the Deming Cycle is simple to state, in practice it is not alway clear how to applying it effectively, and when applying to complex systems, studying behaviours can be wickedly difficult. We will talk more about 'Wicked Problems' later, and knowing where and how to act is harder again.

Knowledge and habits for life

Everything you enter into Roam Research can be exported and used in an equivalent, free tool (Logseq). It exports to Markdown, which is a standard format. Used correctly, it will help you think, help you learn and help you share your thinking with others.

Habits 7 habits, and the habit that binds them; the one to rule them all.

The best-selling book The 7 Habits of Highly successful People, identified habitual behaviours that lead to success.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” - Durant

While some behaviours are always expected and valued, a) habits are hard to form and b) as the professional practice changes, new habits are needed for continued success.

Skills needed are changing continuous, and at an ever faster rate. To keep updating your skills, there is one habit that rules them all; you need to develop a habit.

Get your hands dirty.

We encourage you to get your hands dirty; and we mean that literally and metaphorically.

Literally: to really understand and empathise with customers end users, you need to develop an empathy for the challenges that they face, by experiencing and jobs that they do.

Metaphorically: to develop and reinforce skills in a fun way, part of the challenge will be approached as a game.

Playing and Growing provides a brief introduction to some game rules and established a narrative that will help you understand the complex task of starting a business, by design.

Roam Research *


Roam Research, an innovative tool for note-taking and personal knowledge management, has revolutionized how individuals and teams handle complex information. For students working in collaborative environments, Roam offers a dynamic platform that not only stores information but also interconnects thoughts and ideas, fostering a deeper understanding and more cohesive teamwork.

Main Features of Roam Research

Note-taking and Information Organization

Roam Research excels in allowing users to create notes (or "pages") that are interconnected. This feature is particularly beneficial for academic research, where topics often overlap and intertwine.

Bi-directional Linking

A key feature of Roam is its bi-directional linking capability. When a note references another page, a two-way link is automatically formed. This allows students to trace ideas and concepts through a network of interlinked notes, facilitating a more comprehensive understanding of their research topic.

Graph View for Visual Mapping

The graph view in Roam visually represents the connections between different notes. For students, this feature can be a powerful tool to visualize the structure and depth of their research, helping identify gaps and opportunities for further exploration.

Advantages in Collaborative Settings

Enhancing Collaborative Research

Roam's structure promotes a shared understanding of research materials. In a collaborative setting, team members can see how their work connects, leading to more integrated and cohesive research outcomes.

Facilitating Knowledge Sharing and Team Cohesion

Roam Research supports collaborative efforts by making it easy to share notes and resources. This shared space fosters an environment where knowledge and ideas circulate freely, strengthening team cohesion.

Streamlining Project Management

Roam can also function as a project management tool. Tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities can be linked to relevant research, ensuring that the team's collective efforts are aligned and on track.

Case Study 1: Interdisciplinary Research Project

Background: A team of students from diverse disciplines (Biology, Computer Science, and Sociology) collaborates on a project exploring the societal impacts of biotechnological advancements.

Use of Roam Research:

Cross-Disciplinary Linking: Team members used Roam to create an interconnected web of notes, linking biological concepts with sociological theories and computational models.

Visualisation: The graph view helped visualise the overlap and intersections between disciplines, fostering a more integrated approach to the project.

Outcome: The bi-directional linking and visualisation capabilities of Roam enabled the team to synthesize complex ideas from different fields, leading to a more nuanced and comprehensive final paper.


Roam Research offers a versatile and powerful platform for students engaged in collaborative academic research. Its ability to interconnect ideas and facilitate shared understanding makes it an invaluable tool in the modern educational landscape.

The purpose of this Roam Research Wiki is to

help you develop the proposal you wiki:**

proposals: gather, organise and make sense of the project work.

yourselves: reflect on personal and team work.

Quick and easy to use, Roam Research supports learning through experience.

Especially if you hope to win a prize!

5 x £100 will be awarded to the best personal contributions

£4000 will be awarded

Learning Activity

Roam Research

Why use Roam Research?

Roam provides a way to:

gather and create a database of linked information on-the-fly with others

connect information together to provide various perspectives on the database,

filter and find information.

collaborate while 'owning' your own information.


Its a the backbone of planning, delivery and reflection and change (PDSA). It is about the Project; it gives a meta view and links to content


The Steering Group is responsible for...

The Operations Group is Responsible for ...

Purpose: Provide a Programme Design


Structure and methods for

a) Academic Hour

b) Mentoring Hour

c) XLAB Physical




Recruitment Events

ebost / email: built@bangor.ac.uk

PGR Recruitment Events

Introductory talk given to PGRs (KK AG PS AH PD)

UG Recruitment Events


Two introductions prior to (AG + KK Introduction Video)

0900 12 Dec, 1000 13 Dec.



Environmental Science 


Open Recruitment Events 

2 Virtual Recruitment talks will be given at the start of Term

These will be open to all students

22 Jan, 1700 uk

23 Jan, 1700 uk

Promotion Material

The following content is shared with potential participants. All are bilingual.

Invitation to KK Introduction Event - Open to All on Teams

Two virtual events will be held early in the first week of the spring semester.

They will be delivered by Andy and Kailesh.

They are after the examination period, since students will tend to ignore emails during examinations.

Student bulletin

The following text is for inclusion in the Student Bulletin

Emails for employability leads to send to students

The following emails will be sent by the Employability leads to all students and PGs in their respective schools, including a link to powerpoint slides.


Week 01 Thursday, 1st February 2024


The following content is shared with participants and is in English only


The following document defines the challenge that participants will respond to.
