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This is an "Orphan" page. Its core content has not been shared: what you see below is a loose collection of pages and page snippets that mention this page, as well as snippets of this page that were quoted elsewhere.

Referenced in

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Reminder email

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} PhD Student / Undergraduate Student

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Phone numbers for WhatsApp XX

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Do you feel this has made you more employable

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Create an online questionnaire (first week welcome)

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Email to remind Check at first delivery session

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Tidy and simplify the Graph to improve structure and discovery Gardening

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Send information to built email.

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} 1 pager - typical Roles Kailesh Karavadra and Atul Devani

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Create a page for mentors information

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Organise meeting with Mentors

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Provide Simple Project Management structure and process in Roam

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Create questionnaire - Link to Google Form - to built@bangor.ac.uk

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Obtain agreement - frequency of Design Team Meetings !Andy Goodman !Now

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} identify wider value

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Setup the information hierarchy !Now

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} add questions from KK attributes above map from KA - incorporate Mari Gwenllian

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Google Drive: Create and Populate

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Do we have everyone?

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Teams: Create and Populate

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Complete actions from Steering Group Meeting !Andy Goodman !Now

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Revisit the Vision and Strategy Document

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Miro: Create and Populate

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} send general structure round/ use first week as example

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Ask Steering what they think about Rhiannon January 10th, 2024 and reply to Penny Dowdney

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Reminder of dates and times

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Tidy QrvGZCkdv Notes Steering meeting notes

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Arrange for setup TR6 and TR7 with 15 Tables and 120 chairs for the group activity

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Meet Tracey Jefferies on January 12th, 2024 to welcome and Introduce Project / Division of Responsibilities

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Information 'pack' (on Roam) to set expectation at the beginning !Andy Goodman !Now

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Create Spreadsheet with Team Composition

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} see percentages from schools to inform recruitment

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} @Andy Goodman Speak with Iestyn Pierce re: Agricademy, BUILT and Eifiona Lane

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Create a publicly accessible sub graph

Andy Goodman

{{TODO}} Add photos and Linked in for Staff. !Now